Older Person's Assessment Unit

Lambourne Grove

Hanging wooden circles displaying photos.
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We commissioned Maryrose Sinn to created two interactive, customisable sculptures, ‘Shelf Work’ and ‘Floating Discs’.

Both were designed for a user group that includes people with complex dementia, some of whom are unable to comprehend and use language.

‘Shelf Work’ is an interactive mantel shelf, designed to accommodate everyday objects and photographs that can be swapped, handled, and rearranged by anyone.

It provides a safe and controlled means to personalise the environment.

Animated GIF showing items appearing on a colourful shelf.
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‘Floating Discs’ is a kinetic arrangement of hoops featuring images of local places and points of interest. The images are useful as prompts and memory triggers for conversation with patients.

These artworks arose from a series of hands-on, immersive workshops with staff, users and families all participating.

We also consulted occupational therapists, who provided valuable insights into the needs of users, including the importance of having visual stimulation, and objects that would encourage spatial play / investigation.

Accordingly, many of the items feature vibrant bright colours and can be picked up and manipulated in space.

Bold colours and ever-changing forms, the sculptures provide both a focal point to the environment, and interactive communication between service users and carers.

Staff member and patient interacting with activities.
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Project Information

Older Person’s Continuing Care Unit
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
Maryrose Sinn
Martin Jones
Design in Mental Health
The Wellbeing Award