Chloe Northover-Naylor

Interior Designer

Chloe draws on her love of colour, texture, lighting and materiality to deliver richness to each project. She enjoys the challenge of delivering multilayered schemes that communicate a narrative and create a natural rhythm and flow through a space. She seeks out opportunities to design bespoke furniture, believing it can ground an interior, create impact and support the different ways people might use a given space.

Chloe began in the world of Fine Art then broadened her design vocabulary with a degree in Interior Architecture at Falmouth University. For the past 10 years she has specialised in healthcare interiors with a particular focus on design for neurodiversity.

She lives in Cornwall, a few minutes from the sea. Her interest in spacial design extends into her own garden, where she can be found growing a multitude of flowers and vegetables.

Chloe is currently on maternity leave, returning in 2025. Please contact another member of the team for any inquiries related to her projects.

Selected Projects