Older Person’s Assessment Unit


Wooden circles on walls with photos.
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Logandene serves patients with dementia. We spoke to carers and staff, and it became clear that there was a need for artworks that would encourage embodied, active, physical interactions: as one of the staff said, “We need people to stand up, to become more aware of their bodies and environment... to investigate the world in the present”.

Building on what we learned from our Lambourn Grove project, we designed interactive walls, which provided a wide selection of images, objects, sculptural forms, bright colours, and textures.

These artworks integrate with daily schedules, offering multi-sensory stimulation throughout the department, encouraging bodily movement and exercise.

Round 3D shapes on yellow wall.
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Animated GIF showing person interacting with moving wall circles.
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The art is designed to be used as part of occupational therapists’ care programmes, and is the result of a series of workshops between artists, staff, carers, patients and families.

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Project Information

Older Person’s Care Unit
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
AiS in house
Celia Knox, Sam Carvosso, Martin Jones
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