Evelina 1+, Phlebotomy

Evelina London

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We developed a decorative cartoon strip following the journey of an anxious patient, Boo, as he embarks on his journey to get a blood test. Along the way Boo is comforted by other patients, and a kind doctor explains about where his blood is taken and how it is analysed and sent back to clinicians for review.

Illustration from comic strip of Boo's blood test.
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Animated GIF showing the comic strip of Boo's blood test.
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As the story unfolds, Boo’s anxieties subside as his natural curiosity and wonder take over. By the end of the strip, he confidently strides out of frame, reassuring another incoming patient, “Don’t worry, I just had a blood test, it was fine.”

This story-led approach allows children to identify with Boo. Patients can now approach blood tests with a resilient attitude, a trust in doctors, and even a curiosity for the process – which in turn improves doctor-child relations and speeds up clinic appointments.

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"I think it’s important to involve the users from the beginning and now it means we’re able to promote it and talk about it as a particularly special project."
Senior Nurse

Once in the treatment rooms, we created colour field mazes. Tiny characters move around the mazes, and into the clinical environment. These artworks are designed to help the clinical team to distract patients during their procedure.

Small illustration of children above medical supply shelf.
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Kiriko Kubo illustration of hospital staff members.
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We also developed a bespoke “who’s who” board featuring illustrations of the nine phlebotomists in the department, bringing a sense of individuality to the service, and helping to reinforce the message of a caring, trustworthy community.

This case study is part of the wider “Evelina 1+” project.
The Evelina 1+ project features 7 departments incorporating art, interior design, playful journeys, storytelling and colour.

See Projects for all Evelina 1+ case studies.

The artwork has been supported by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, which helps create a world-class environment for patients, staff and visitors at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

Project Information

Children's: Phlebotomy
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Kiriko Kubo
Martin Jones, Celia Knox
BBH Awards
Best Interior Design Project
EHD Awards
Highly Commended
Interior Design & the Arts