Evelina 1+, MRI

Evelina London

Wolverine illustration with orange infoslice.
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In this department patients navigate winding corridors, eventually arriving at a room containing an MRI simulator.

We integrated a trail of artworks combined with fun facts and colourful panels in robust wall protection, transforming scary diagnostic spaces into fun, curiosity-filled worlds.

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Illustrations of ground squirrels with blue infoslices.
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Life-sized animals move playfully through the environment: an Arctic fox investigating a corner, hares huddled together, an inquisitive wolverine, a bowhead whale.

These creatures provide a message of reassurance in the face of worries about the intimidating clinical machinery: you can be big, even when you’re small.

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The fun facts that accompany each animal help to entice children and parents to learn, and leave their anxieties behind.

Facts – for example, that bowheads can live up to 250 years – amaze adults and children alike, and this elevates the hospital visit from one of anxious boredom to a moment of shared cultural discovery, more like a museum visit or a trip to the zoo.

Illustration of fuzzy arctic hares and a blue infoslice.
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This case study is part of the wider “Evelina 1+” project.
The Evelina 1+ project features 7 departments incorporating art, interior design, playful journeys, storytelling and colour.

See Projects for all Evelina 1+ case studies.

The artwork has been supported by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, which helps create a world-class environment for patients, staff and visitors at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.

Project Information

Children's: MRI Scans
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Kiriko Kubo
Celia Knox, Sam Carvosso
BBH Awards
Best Interior Design Project
EHD Awards
Highly Commended
Interior Design & the Arts